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[EXCLUSIVE] Interview With AMPERS&ONE: The Rising Stars of FNC Entertainment

Writer: K FuseK Fuse

Welcome back #SoundLovers to our latest #k_fuse_koverage as we were able catch a moment to talk with some of FNC's Rising Stars. Check out our latest interview with the members of AMPERS&ONE below.

Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment


K Fuse: Thank you for taking the time to catch up and talk with us here, at K Fuse Could you please take a moment and introduce yourselves (as a group and individuals, what is your role / position within the group)?

KAMDEN – Hello, I’m KAMDEN! I am the eldest member and rapper. Great to meet you all!

BRIAN - Hi I'm BRIAN, and I am a vocalist.

JIHO – Hello everyone, I am JIHO, the leader, and I am a vocalist as well.

SIYUN – Hi, I’m SIYUN, and I am a vocalist.

KYRELL – Hi, I’m KYRELL, and I am a vocalist, too!

MACKIAH – Hi everyone, I am MACKIAH, and I am a rapper.

SEUNGMO – Hello, I am SEUNGMO, the youngest, and I am a vocalist. Nice to meet you all!

Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment

K Fuse: What was your first impression of each other when you first met? Was there a member with whom you had trained with before? Was there a member that you instantly connected with?

BRIAN – First, when I met KAMDEN, I thought he always looks so uncomfortable because he always scratched his elbow. I thought he had a mosquito bite. I met JIHO for the first time during the Boys Planet, so I thought he was a cool guy. SIYUN, when I first met him, I loved his voice and was kind of jealous of him that he has a really charming voice. KYRELL’s first impression was that he was the nicest guy I have ever met! In case of MACKIAH, we both just instantly clicked because he was the first one to greet me in English when I first came to FNC. Lastly, I thought SEUNGMO was a really calm and quiet person, but now, as I know him more, and I feel like he is the craziest one in the group.

SEUNGMO – For me, JIHO had the strongest first impression as he came to me first and talked to me and taught me to dance. When I first came to FNC, I was nervous and didn’t have anyone I knew. I got instantly closer with MACKIAH as we are the same age, and he was nice and friendly -- so he was always fun to be with.

K Fuse: What do you think is going to be your biggest challenge transitioning from a trainee to a rookie idol?

BRIAN – To be honest, it still hasn’t hit me that I’m actually an idol right now. It kind of feels the same as when we were on Boys Planet, so I am not really sure yet.

SEUNGMO – I believe the biggest challenge would be that we need to practice more with more lessons compared to when we were trainees. Since we are debuting, we need to take a lot more time to practice so that we can show the public a perfect performance, which means we need to try much harder.

K Fuse: What was the most memorable moment that happened during your debut showcase?

BRIAN - Seeing the fans for the first time!

SEUNGMO – I had to dance for the introduction at the debut showcase, and since it was our first time to see our fans, I was super nervous of doing it.

KRYELL - Like Brian said, it was really interesting to finally meet our fans

Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment

K Fuse:  What was the most difficult part about preparing for your debut? What made it difficult?

BRIAN - I caught COVID during the recording of the album, so I wasn't in my best condition.

SEUNGMO – It was hard to record the first title song, as it was my very first time recording in my life, so it felt awkward, and was difficult to get used to.

KAMDEN - Since I started training when I was 19, I thought I would have a disadvantage of debuting because at that time, there were many K-Pop sunbaenims that debuted when they were pretty young. So, I thought I would go back in a few months.

K Fuse: [BRIAN, SEUNGMO] Were there any funny, or memorable moments that happened during the filming of ‘On and On?’ Could you share some of those moments with our readers?

BRIAN – While filming ‘On and On’ M/V, we had to do a lot of acting, but we were not that good at it, so it was awkward. However, thanks to the staffs, they helped us a lot with it, and I am glad that from the great editing, we can’t feel the awkwardness.

SEUNGMO – There was a scene that the professor chases after us, and I was so scared of him that I rushed to escape from him.

K Fuse: Between ‘On and On,’ ‘Sweet & Sour,’ and ‘Sheesh,’ which one was your most favorite to prepare and record? Why?

BRIAN – My favorite to record was ‘Sweet & Sour’ because I think it fits my soft voice a lot.

SEUNGMO – I guess it would be the title track, ‘On and On,’ because I put a lot of effort in it as it was our title track, so it was the most fun to record!

K Fuse: What is the first thing that you want listeners to think of when they hear your songs?

BRIAN – I want the listeners to feel warmth and energy from our songs.

SEUNGMO – I want the listeners to feel our energy. Our song is really energetic and powerful, so I hope people can get energy and cheers from it!

KYRELL - Ready for no breaks in the moment haha but in all seriousness I hope our music is the kind where you stick your earbuds in, close your eyes, lean your head back, and smile a little, you know?

Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment

K Fuse: Is there a message you are trying to convey to your listeners with this album?

SEUNGMO – I want to convey the message to not give up even if they face some obstacles and continue what they are looking for, and achieve their goals.

K Fuse: Several of you have participated in survival shows in the past.  How does it feel to go from being on a survival show to finally being able to make your debut?

BRIAN – It feels great to make a debut! The survival show lit a fire in me to do better and try harder in our new group.

KAMDEN – I'm so happy to perform on more stages after experiencing it.. and the camera work is kind of fun, no? I wanna see more expressions of myself in the future!

K Fuse: Every group has a mother and father type figure, who do you think is going to take on those roles? Or is there a member that has already taken on the role of the mother-figure and the father-figure?

BRIAN – I think the mother in the group is definitely KAMDEN, and the father would be KYRELL as they are the cleanest in the group and order us around to do chores sometimes.

SEUNGMO – I feel like as KAMDEN is the eldest in the group, he always does the parents’ role because he is always the one to tell us to do the chores and recycling and helps us to wake up in the morning.

K Fuse: Is there a member that you think looks out for you the most? How so?

BRIAN – I think JIHO looks out for me the most because whenever I am sick or tired, he always tries to comfort me to feel better.

SEUNGMO – For me, it is SIYUN because he listens to me a lot helps me to wake up in the morning.

K Fuse: . Is there a member who learns choreography quicker than the others, and then teaches it to the rest of the group?

BRIAN – JIHO learns the choreography the fastest in the group. I sometimes feel like he is a printer. He prints out every movement really fast and with precision.

SEUNGMO – I think it is JIHO. He is really good at dancing, and actually loves to do freestyle dance.

K Fuse: Who are some of your role models?

BRIAN – My role model is Jungkook from BTS because I love his angelic vocals. Yeonjun from TXT is also my role model because I love his clean dancing.

SEUNGMO – My role model is Baekhyun from EXO because I believe that I can learn from him. Although, it’s been a while since his debut, he still takes vocal lessons and always tries his best. Also, I have always loved that he clearly shows that he loves his fans a lot.

KYRELL– One of my biggest role models is Na Kamden! Just kidding he is my role model but among other artists in the industry I admire BTS's V for his unique voice and cool vibes

K Fuse: What made you decide to pursue a career as an idol?

BRIAN - A long time ago, I was hit by a car, and I almost died that day. After then, I decided to live life without regrets because I realized that we only have one life to live. I was always interested in singing but was too scared to try, but after the accident, I decided to give it a try. From then on, I suddenly discovered BTS and slowly started to like K-Pop, so I decided to pursue a career as a K-pop idol and to live without regrets.

SEUNGMO – I got casted on the streets and started training from then. As I kept on seeing some of my trainee fellows make a debut, I thought they were cool. So, I started to think that I want to be just like them, so I decided I too wanted to be an idol.

Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment

KYRELL – While watching YouTube I stumbled across some K-Pop music videos and I found music that I thought was really fun to listen to and watch performances of. I thought to myself: that looks like the most fun job ever! And there’s a whole long story after that but that’s how it all started!

K Fuse: What are some of your hobbies?

BRIAN – My hobbies are playing basketball, games, and drawing.

SEUNGMO – I love to play games, so I often play an online soccer games with KAMDEN.

KAMDEN – Recently, my hobby has changed to sleeping because of the busy schedule.

K Fuse: What special talent do you have?

BRIAN - I can flip my thumb backwards.

SEUNGMO – My left second finger is so flexible that it can reach on the back of my left hand.

K Fuse: What are your goals during your first year – both as a group and as individuals?

BRIAN – My goal for the first year is to have no regrets!

SEUNGMO – My goal for the first year would be winning the Rookie Award or to win the first prize at the music show.

Photo Credit: FNC Entertainment

K Fuse: Have you all talked about any ideas for a fandom name?

BRIAN - We have but, it is still not confirmed yet.

SEUNGMO – We have talked about it a lot, but we couldn’t come out with a great idea. We’d love to get some ideas from our fans.

K Fuse: What has been the best piece of advice you have received that you felt has helped you better prepare for your debut?

BRIAN - Stay humble and keep working hard.

SEUNGMO – My family always told me that they always trust me, so I have to trust myself and keep trying hard. This helped me to better prepare for the debut.

K Fuse: Before we say our goodbyes, is there a message that you would like to leave for your fans, and our readers?

BRIAN - Thank you all so much for reading and please look forward to more exciting content!

SEUNGMO – Please look forward to our future performances and exciting moments. Thank you.



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