Welcome Back, #SoundLovers🎶! Today, we want to introduce you to an artist who remains very passionate about his career and fans -- XXIN! We had the opportunity to talk with XXIN ahead of his comeback about 'STILL ALIVE,' his return to the music scene, and his creative process. Check out our interview with XXIN below.

South Korean rapper-songwriter and producer Shin Seunghoon (신승훈) made his official debut on July 28, 2014, as the rapper for Zenith Media Contents 5-member boy group ZEST -- who disbanded in 2016. Despite the group's disbandment, Shin Seunghoon continued to pursue his passion for music as he reappeared on the music scene on April 9. 2018, as the leader, vocalist, and main rapper in Luk Factory's 9-member boy group, NOIR. As a soloist, he goes by the stage name XXIN and made his solo debut on November 9, 2020, with digital single, "Don't Touch Me." After a three-year hiatus, XXIN has finally returned to the music scene with his 1st Single Album, "STILL ALIVE."
XXIN continues to display his multifaceted talents in writing and composition. The first record we see of these talents is during NOIR's debut album 'Twenty's Noir,' where he would partake in writing five of the six tracks -- including the group's debut track, "Gangsta." He would then continue to write for the rest of NOIR's albums, 'Topgun,' 'Abyss,' and 'Up The Sky: 飛,' while also partaking in composing for, "Airplane Mode," "Lucifer," and more tracks. XXIN's experience in writing and composing has set the foundation for his solo career as he writes, composes, and arranges his own songs.
K FUSE: First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to talk with us here at K Fuse, and sharing your story with our readers! Would you please take a moment to introduce yourself?
XXIN: 안녕하세요~ 느와르에서 리더를 맡고있는 승훈입니다! 반갑습니다. Hello~ I’m Seunghoon, the leader of Noir! Nice to meet you.
K FUSE: You're embarking on a new chapter after your solo debut in 2020! What motivates you to pursue this comeback?
XXIN: 공백기간이 3년이 지나서 팬분들에게 얼른 새로운 음악을 들려드리고 싶어서 열심히 준비했습니다. After a 3-year hiatus, I wanted to quickly give fans new music, so I worked hard to prepare it.
K FUSE: Is there anything specific you would like to share about 'STILL ALIVE'?
XXIN: 뮤직비디오 속에 새롭게 시도해본 컨셉들이 많으니 재미있게 봐주셨으면 좋겠습니다 There are a lot of new concepts tried in the music video, so I hope you enjoy watching it.
K FUSE: Is there a specific message you wish to communicate to your audience with 'STILL ALIVE'?
XXIN: 이 곡은 제 이야기륵 담았는데 , 힘든 제게 팬분들의 응원이 많은 힘이 되었다는 내용을 담았습니다! This song contains my story, and the message that the fans’ support gave me a lot of strength during a difficult time!
K FUSE: Can you elaborate on what inspired you to become a musician?
XXIN : 처음에는 춤으로 시작을 하게되었는데 , 어릴적 힘들때 음악이 많은 힘이 되었고 , 저 또한 누군가에게 잠시나마 힘이 될수 있는 음악악가 되고싶다는 생각을 하게되었습니다. At first, I started with dancing, but music helped me a lot when I was going through difficult times as a child, and I also thought that I wanted to become a musician who could help someone, even if just for a little while.
K FUSE: Could you describe the creative process you undergo as a member of NOIR and as a solo artist, specifically in regards to writing, composing, and arranging your songs?
XXIN: 저는 곡에 있어서 멜로디를 가장 우선시 합니다. 그래서 제가 좋아하는 멜로디를 먼저 만들고 그위에 표현하고자 하는 가사를 입히는것 같습니다. I give melody the most priority in a song. So, I think I first create a melody I like and then add the lyrics I want to express on top of it.
K FUSE: How would you say “STILL ALIVE” differs from your solo debut, “Don't Touch Me?”
XXIN: "Don't Touch Me" 는 자유를 갈망하는 내용이라면 "STILL ALIVE" 는 팬분들의 사랑을 원하는 내용이랄까요 ^^. If "Don't Touch Me" is about longing for freedom, then "STILL ALIVE" is about wanting love from fans ^^

K FUSE: Was there a memorable moments when making of the M/V for “STILL ALIVE?”\
XXIN: M/V 중에 비를 맞으면서 춤을 추는 장면이 있는데. 물이 너무 차가워서 오들오들 떨었던 기억이 가장 크게 납니다. There is a scene in the M/V where they dance in the rain. My biggest memory is that the water was so cold that I shivered.
K FUSE: What can fans expect from you after this comeback?
XXIN: 앞으로도 이렇게 꾸준히 좋은 음악을 들려드리고
잠시라도 힘든 것들을 잊을 수 있게 해드리겠습니다! We will continue to deliver good music like this in the future. We will help you forget about difficult things even for a moment!
K FUSE: Is there a message you would like to leave for your fans and our readers?
XXIN: 긴 시간 기다려 주셔서 정망 감사합니다! 그동안 많은 일들이 있었고 음악을 그만할까라는 생각도 잠시 했던때가 있었습니다. 그런 저에게 큰힘이 되었던건 딱하나. 팬분들의 응원이었습니다! 저도 여러분들에게 그런 존재가 되고 싶습니다. 앞으로 좋은 음악 많이 들여드릴게요! I love you
Thank you for waiting for such a long time! A lot has happened in the meantime, and there was a time when I thought about quitting music. There is only one thing that was of great help to me. It was the fans’ support! I also want to be that kind of person for you. We will bring you a lot of good music in the future! I love you.
K Fuse would like to give a huge thank you to XXIN and Luk Factory for allowing the opportunity to provide coverage for XXIN's 1st Single Album"STILL ALIVE."